Safeguarding our online activities is as important as our face to face activity. Many of our safeguards are the same and are described on our overarching safety for all page but there are some things specific to online programmes.

Our online delivery and our delivery partners may use a number of different platforms, including Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Moodle. All online delivery sessions are password protected to ensure only the course trainers and students can access them. Our sessions are also set up to give control to our trainers (not students) over basic functions like screen-sharing and audio/video, which allows us to take swift action in the event of a problem arising in a session. Our online delivery events are risk assessed and have staff responsible for safeguarding and health and safety during the delivery of our events.

You can check out our Privacy Policy and Children Privacy Policy for more information on our security practices.

We also rely on parents, our staff and external programme trainers to help us promote a safe and positive online learning environment.

To that end, as a parent we ask that you:

  • Review the Student Online Code of Conduct (below) with your children before they attend their first online session.
  • Supervise your child while they attend their first session, until you’re confident they can participate safely and respectfully on their own. For older students this may take just a few minutes. For younger learners, or those with behavioural needs, you may need to be nearby for every session. You know your children best! We do ask that parents stay off-screen, so if your child needs hands-on assistance or supervision, please reach out to us before the session starts to let us know, by contacting the event administrator.

We also believe it’s important that children and young people understand the benefits and risks of going online. To help your children develop the skills to stay safe on the Internet, check out the following resources:

  • Internet Matters - Helping parents to keep children and young people safe online through expert support and practical tips to help children and young people benefit from connected technology and the internet safely and smartly.
  • Keeping Children Safe Online - Is a guide to social networks, apps and games from the NSPCC
  • Thinkuknow - Thinkuknow is the education programme from NCA-CEOP, a UK organisation which protects children and young people both online and offline. It provides age specific guidance for children, young people and parents.
  • Be Internet Awesome - Internet privacy, safety, and behaviour tips from Google.


  • Join the session on time and be ready to learn.
  • Wear appropriate clothes to the session (so should members of your household if they may be seen in the background at any point).
  • Not have any inappropriate objects/material in view in the background.
  • Take responsibility for making each session a great learning experience for yourself and others: participate, stay on topic, avoid distractions and be proactive.
  • Contribute to a class environment in a way that is safe and welcoming for students from all backgrounds, beliefs, and locations.
  • Keep your personal information private and don't ask others to share personal information during delivery sessions/in group chats (e.g., email address, mailing address, phone number, gamer tags, etc.).
  • Do not browse, download, upload, post, share or forward material that could be considered offensive, harmful or illegal. If you accidentally come across any such material they should report it immediately to the trainer.
  • Do not record or take photos of the sessions.
  • Treat the trainers and other students with respect. Any use of abusive language towards the trainers or other students will not be tolerated and you will be removed from the course. This includes sexist, racist and homophobic language and any form of bullying.
  • If you have any concerns about the behaviour of other students or the trainers at any time, you can raise this in confidence via [email protected] and it will be looked into.

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